Thursday, September 9, 2010

Veggie storage.

Today in Totally Unnecessary But Irresistible Kitchen Splurges:

These adoooooorable containers from Cost Plus World Market.

They actually weren't that much (I can already hear the scoldings from my sister and boyfriend); they were $12 for all three and you can buy them separately! And I can use them to store salads and things I make using veggies and herbs from my garden! For a picnic or potluck! Yay! Exclamation points!


Quay Po Cooks said...

These containers are lovely!

DanGarion said...

Hello Hello Hello, is anyone here here here.

Inez Valentina said...

Oh, hi Dan! Boy, it sure is dusty in here. Poor lonely blog! I'll come back to it someday.. sigh.

And Quay, aren't they? I love these containers! :)

Thanks for checking in, guys.